Most of our collection is not on public display. Only a small percentage of our collection is displayed at any given time
Artifacts and records from 25 different archaeological sites are part of the Civic Collection
The 1095 steam locomotive that was built in 1913 is the largest artifact in the Civic Collection
The Collection includes 61 painted portraits of past City of Kingston mayors, staff, and government officials
Did you know that there are more than 15,000 objects in the Civic Collection?
Stopping the spread of COVID-19 is a team effort, and for most of us, our way to contribute is to stay home. If you are not an essential worker, limit your trips out as much as you can. You’ll be protecting everyone. We’re all in this together, #ygk! For information on changes to City services, visit the City’s COVID-19 webpage.
Learn More
The City of Kingston’s Civic Collection is a unique assortment of archival, archaeological, historical and artistic materials that inform, challenge and inspire us about the history of our own community.